In her sermon last Sunday, our co-pastor made reference to This I Believe, an NPR show based on a radio show from the 1950s hosted by Edward R. Murrow.
I listed 10 here and thought I'd list 10 more.
You may list your five or 10 or 100 in the comments section or on your own blog; if the latter, please leave a link in the comments section:
Most people worry way too much about what other people think and do.
Mark Twain was right: It IS better to remain silent and appear ignorant than to speak up and remove any doubt.
Smokers do often feel oppressed in the U.S.; I don't care. (Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society.)
JEOPARDY! is not improved by letting people play more than five games in a row.
My life would suck without music.
Television (radio, et al.) is not inherently bad; it's how it's used.
Race may be just a social construct, but still matters in the United States (and I imagine, in other parts of the world).
Italian is beautiful to listen to, even though I don't speak or understand it.
Smart is sexy.
Most people who say "let's move on" are NOT the aggrieved party.
Oh, and one more:
Individuals should not hide behind a corporate shield when wrongdoing occurs; e.g., someone from the Peanut Corporation of America should face manslaughter charges, at least.
Lying about time
7 hours ago