Gay Prof offers:
My question: Do you have any theories about the best way to keep John McCain out of the White House?
I do, but unfortunately it's illegal and probably immoral. Wait, there's probably some ageist crack I could make, but I won't.
Look, I don't know why people vote against their own interests, except that they naively by into a bill of goods. The economic boom that we used to be in was helping the John McCains of the country a lot more than you and me. Literally, the rich get richer, with golden parachutes for CEOs of failing companies. I thought Charlie Gibson on ABC News asked George Stephanopoulos an odd question last week: with Barack backing out of public financing, was it "fair" for Barack to have so much more money vs. McCain. I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself again. The GOP has had a lot more $$ at its disposal for decades, and Obama's money is coming mostly from the common people. Is it fair that the government tut-tut homeowners for getting into financial situations that government policies encouraged? I know this doesn't answer the question, but I'm stumped to find out how is John McCain the ANSWER to any of our current woes.
Generous Scott adds: I don't care if you don't answer any of mine, but I certainly hope you can answer Gayprof's and it be something that we can truly do to make it happen.
Well, I did answer GP's, FWIW. And now I'll answer yours:
1. Who do you think will play in the World Series this year, and who will win it?
One team will be a new team, i.e., one we haven't seen much of before. I think before the season I picked the Cubs, so I'll stick with them. Not so incidentally, I'm hoping to see them play in Wrigley for the very first time in September. I thought that Cleveland and Detroit would do better, but alas. So, I'm going with Tampa; it'll probably be Boston, but I've bored with Boston sports teams (except the Celtics, who I picked to win in seven.) It's been 100 years. don't the Cubs get to win every CENTURY?
2. What do you think has been the best (so far) movie adaptation based on a comic book?
Superman. No, Spider-Man. Wait, I liked Spider-Man 2 more than the first one. I didn't see the last Batman or the upcoming one, but saw several others - not those. I did like Iron Man, but not the first Fantastic Four.
3. What are you top five movies?
Always impossible. Annie Hall's on there, and probably Groundhog Day. The others are so fluid, like my favorite songs list or even favorite album. It might include Casablanca, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Field of Dreams, The Iron Giant, Rear Window, the original Star Wars ("episode 4" - feh), Toy Story 2, West Side Story (which isn't a great movie, but the music and choreography hold), The Wizard of Oz, Young Frankenstein, and about a dozen movies I've either forgotten or are of the genres named (Empire Strikes Back, Toy Story); it could be any of the Pixar films I've seen, e.g.
4. If Obama loses the Presidential election, do you think it will hurt race relations and the fight against racism, or do you think that his nomination was already a move in the right direction and that a loss won't set it back?
Oh, you want more.
One of those ongoing myths was that Barack Obama was embraced nationally by black folks out of the shoot. Look at any poll that came out in December 2007, and Obama's losing big time to Hillary Clinton with black voters. Part of it, ironically was that he wasn't considered black enough. (And Hillary Clinton was?) But when he won Iowa, black voters gave him another look, and he's been winning the black vote handily ever since, starting in South Carolina. (Which is why Bill Clinton's correct observation that Jesse Jackson won South Carolina irritated so many people; it wasn't just that he was black, it was that he was a black that, since the white folks in Iowa liked him, actually had a chance to win.) All the things he's endured since from what I think is a media obsession with Rev. Wright to the sniping at Michelle Obama to the Muslim thing - regularly, at least 7% of the electorate believes that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is Muslim (not that should matter if he were) has made him more attractive to many blacks, and probably to white liberals as well. Here's what often happens in with black folks when one of their own is put upon; they become more loyal, recognizing the institutional racism involved.
So, if he loses, most older blacks will see it as the same-o same-o. I'm not sure the paradigm holds for younger blacks, especially those who identify as biracial. It's not that they don't see racism, it's that they may see Barack's nomination, to use a football metaphor, as field position. Maybe Barack doesn't score the touchdown this time, but it makes someone else's chances better the next time. Maybe.
5. What album in your collection would probably most surprise your friends?
That would almost certainly be my one Toby Keith album. Not crazy about his politics, but I got it it for free at a convention in Nashville, and I rather liked a couple songs, especially "Let's Talk About Me."
Someone, I wish I could remember who, said about Robert Mugabe: If Zimbabwe had oil, we would have invaded by now.
There are other days…
1 day ago
In terms of the money, I can't believe that the media has allowed Cyndy McCain to keep her tax information "private." Gee, could the Coors heiress possibly be laundering and/or providing money for husband's once doomed campaign? Ugh.
If it is not too late, I would like to ask a question, of a mildly philosophical and yet somewhat personal nature.
What do you think is the most critical quality or characteristic for a politician (make that statesman) to have in order to effectively govern, and why do think this?
The Rays win the AL? Marcia's rootin' for them, too. Unfortunately it will probably be the Red Sox again.
Very interesting answers all around.
Also, interesting thought about Robert Mugabe. I think we all know that it's true, too.
Anthony - It's not too late, but I have actually figure out my answer.
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