Apparently, I'm in a blogging about blogging mode: From Sunday Stealing.
1. How long have you been blogging?
4 years, 10 months yesterday. Or the day before, if you count the time I wrote it.
2. What made you start?
Discussed here, but what MADE me start ultimately is being very opinionated with no venue.
3. Who inspired you?
Fred Hembeck and the late Steve Gerber.
4. About how many hours a week would you estimate you spend on your blog?
You mean THIS one? Well, probably eight hours writing it, then another five checking out other blogs, getting rid of spam comments, responding to questions, etc.
5. What kind of experience or background do you have with writing?
I wrote for my high school newspaper; in my senior year, had a column called Pa Central (I went to Binghamton Central); snarky before I knew the word.
I co-edited a newsletter in college and edited one in grad school. I edited, for six years, a monthly work newsletter. Wrote some press releases for the Schenectady Arts Council and a little for FantaCo. Edited three and a half issues of FantaCo's Chronicles Series. Inevitably, anything I edited involved a degree of writing as well.
6. Talk about how you come up with blog topics. Where do you get your ideas?
Steal 'em. Well, sometimes, but finding topics is not the problem; the problem is a lack of time to write coherently about certain topics. I have three topics I could write about tomorrow, but will I have time to compose ANY of them?
7. What or who inspires you and your blog?
Life. Politics. Sports. TV. Music. The newspaper. Really, inspiration I get easily; time, not so much.
8. Where and/or how do your brainstorming for your blog?
Anywhere - riding the bus, taking a shower, occasionally, my dreams.
9. Do you have any blogging rules or guidelines you follow?
Probably. I tend not to use language that's likely to offend a segment of my vast readership. I try not to write about the same topic too often in a row. Not only might it be tedious for the reader, more importantly it'd likely be boring for me. Or maybe my approach is ADHD-driven.
10. Is there anything you will not blog about?
Yes. And if I told you what those topics were, that'd kind of defeat the purpose of not blogging about it. "I'm not going to tell you about..."; yeah, right.
11. Do you have any sort of a publishing schedule in terms of day of week or topic?
Well, Tuesday is ABC Wednesday. The 26th of the month is Lydia day. Mondays are memes, sometimes (not this week, apparently). Saturdays are questions, often but not always. The rest I fake.
More in re: blogging. I entered Rose's blog hosting contest. Guess what? I WON! I got a confirming e-mail yesterday afternoon, and I have some ideas for a URL, but if you have some thoughts before, say, 1 pm Eastern Time today when I go to lunch and contact the provider, have at it.
I noted only a couple days ago that I had appeared in the Trouble with Comics blog. Then Mr. Doane wrote to comment: "My apologies, but Guest Reviewer Month has now been pushed back to April due to some technical problems. Your piece should go up 4/1, Roger. Sorry!" The trouble with this was that I thought he was making a joke; the piece should go up on April Fools Day? Les & Trudy didn't raise someone THAT gullible.
Except that my friend Rocco noted that the piece that had been posted had disappeared. This probably has something to do with Trouble with Comics changing its URL because of changers with Blogger re: FTPs.
In other words, I have outwitted myself. Expect the piece on - April 1? Really, ADD?
Musing about social media
19 hours ago
Yes, 4/1, really! And yes, because of Blogger's ridiculous FTP betrayal. Can you tell I'm pissed?
Interesting, I have some of the same guidelines for myself. can you imagine that when i drive to and from work, I think about blogging?
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