Before that, though, I need to note a couple things
1. This Steve Bissette article, the part after Christian matchmaking, where he talks about FantaCo and its publications Gore Shriek and Smilin' Ed.
2. The passing of Sydney Pollack, who not only directed Tootsie, one of my favorite films, but was one of those hyphenates as well known for his acting as his directing. He was a quite good actor, even in some mot so good scripts.
Jaquandor went quiz crazy. I'm answering the ones I feel like answering, having answered similar questions too recently .
Feet size: 10, although that can vacillate a bit depending on the brand of shoe in question.
Age you act: Thirty-seven. That was, in some ways, my favorite age.
Where you want to live: Don't know, but living in upstate New York, given the rest of the country's propensities towards fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes, as good as anywhere. And when global warming really kicks in, it'll be as warm here in 20 years as it is in Virginia now.
Favorite Saying: "That's doable." Actually that's fallen into disuse of late, for some reason.
Favorite Ice Cream: When I went to Ben & Jerry's for free ice cream last month, I asked for rum raisin; they had none. Have they discontinued it?
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Any rum drink.
When Do You Go To Sleep: Generally between 9:30 and 10 pm, except on Thursday night, when it's between 11 pm and midnight.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Too hard to narrow down.
Stupidest Person You Know: I'm a snob. I tend to avoid stupid people.
Funniest Person You Know: Probably Tim, though most of his comments are groan-worthy.
Favorite Food: Chicken, I suppose.
Favorite Song: Impossible to determine, but I'll be working on that very topic soon.
Wedding song: "At Last" by Etta James, for cause.
Pets: Only stuffed.
5 years from now? I used to have to do that years ago, and there was almost never a correlation between the aspirational and the actual, so I don't bother.
10 years from now? Or, conversely, if I looked back 10 years would I said, "Now is what I thought it'd be"? No.
Have You Ever...?
Done Drugs: Even inhaled.
Run Away From Home: Briefly.
Hit A Girl: No.
Lied: Anyone who says they didn't is probably a liar.
Stolen Anything: Not in a long, long time.
Broken A Bone: No.
Cheated On A Test: Answered before, yes, 9th grade bio.
Gotten Drunk: A few times in my 20s, but not in at least a decade.
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: No.
Gone to Church: Yes, on most Sundays.
Never slept during a night: The last all-nighter was in 1981, when a bunch of my grade school friends all got together.
Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: Yes. Didn't like it.
Been to a camp: Every summer for about a decade growing up. Didn't like it.
Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: Probably not.
Seen someone die: Nope, I missed that fine honor by about an hour on two different occasions (my great uncle, my father).
Gone a week w/out shaving: A heck of a lot longer than that.
Didn’t wash your hair for a week: Probably in February 1975.
Broken something valuable: Possibly.
Thought you were in love: Or at least open to persuasion.
Streaked the streets: Interesting question.
Screamed at someone for no reason: well, not for NO reason. The reason may not have had anything to do with that person.
Said I love you and meant it: Why, yes.
Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: Oh, God, yes.
Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: If so, it was so long ago I can't recall.
Pulled a prank: Mostly surprise birthday parties.
Which Is Better...?
1. Coke Or Pepsi: I suppose Pepsi, though both are probably poison.
2. Cats Or Dogs: Cats.
3. DVDs or VHS: DVDs because you can get to a section easier.
4. Deaf Or Blind: I suppose blind, because I'd miss music and the sound of my daughter's voice.
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: Neither.
6. Television Or Radio: TV
7. CDs Or mp3: CDs, still.
8. Apples or oranges: Apples - macs.
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: I prefer blueberries, but eat more strawberries.
10. Gold or silver: Gold.
11. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla, a choice that traumatized me in the 6th grade.
12. Video or Movie: Movie.
13. Park or Beach: Park.
14. Hot or Cold weather: Hot.
15. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
When is the Last Time You...?
1. Took a shower: Yesterday morning.
2. Cried: Yesterday, listening to music.
3. Watched a Disney movie: Some years ago, unless you count Pixar, in which case it was three months ago.
4. Given/gotten a hug: From the daughter last night.
5. Been to the movies: Sunday.
6. Danced: I dance a lot. In my office chair, especially.
7. Did a survey like this: Last week.
What Is...?
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This Year: the ships at Jamestown.
2. Your Most Prized Possession: my signed copy of Abbey Road.
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: having someone be excited about info I've shared with them.
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: pancakes with real maple syrup.
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: lasagna.
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: "Slow Song" by Joe Jackson.
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: Smart, more sensible than I am.
What Do You Feel About…?
1. Bill Clinton: I never got how great his Presidency was supposed to have been. Much better than his successor though. He's really annoyed me during his wife's campaign for POTUS. And though he didn't come up with it, HATED that First Black President moniker.
2. Love at First Sight: I suppose it's possible. Never happened to me.
3. Abortion: Legal, safe and rare.
4. Smoking: If I get on an elevator with someone who had been smoking recently, I practically pass out.
5. Death: Even more inevitable than taxes.
6. Rap: I LOVED early rap, but when it got all misogynistic and all, it lost me.
7. Marilyn Manson: I never think of Marilyn Manson.
8. Premarital Sex: What two consenting adults do is none of my concern.
9. Suicide: NOT painless, especially for the survivors.
This picture is 75 years old
6 hours ago
1 comment:
I always thought the "First Back President" moniker was a bit insulting to black people everywhere.
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