It's Labor Day. No one's reading blogs today. Time to be lazy and post a bunch of stuff from YouTube and elsewhere.
Watch the entire full length documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? right here.
A sad Sesame Street moment.
It's only water, part 1
Lightening it up a bit, this video from the Smothers Brothers Show, or a reasonable facsimile, of the classic Mason Williams song:
Still thinking about Isaac Hayes. And so was the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.
Ode To Joy, Muppet style
A great episode of WKRP in Cincinnati.
It's only water, part 2
Don’t Cry! It’s Only Sunday Stealing.
14 hours ago
I am sure that was a most enjoyable posting---but alas and alack, I don't have DSL, so not about to spend the entire day downloading videos to watch. (curse you AT&T)
Oh we're out here. There's not much to do here. It's very cool and overcast.
Hey Gary why don't you ask Wayne how to do wireless? Free high speed internet if you know how to do it. It's a little querky but works most of the time.
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