When the swine flu - I'm sorry, the H1N1 virus - was first announced in the spring, I was feeling bit peevish about the pundits who seemed to think that the government - actually world governments - were making too much of the disease. Frankly, i think it was due to lack of understanding of the nomenclature. We don't know what a Level 6 (pandemic, declared weeks ago) feels like. We understand gradations of temperature, the difference between a Category 1 and category 3 hurricane or a 3.6 earthquake vs. a 6.6. Anyway here's John Berry's 2009 WHITE PAPER ON NOVEL H1N1 (PDF). Barry wrote the book The Great Influenza about the 1918 flu epidemic: "Three of the preceding four pandemics, 1889, 1918, and 1957, show clear evidence of some fairly intense but sporadic initial local outbreaks scattered around the world.
"The novel H1N1 virus seems thus far to be following the pattern of those three pandemics, and it seems highly likely that it will return in full flower. If the virus is fully adapted to and efficient at infecting humans, this would occur soon, possibly during the influenza season in the southern hemisphere or possibly a few months later in the northern hemisphere. The 1918 and 1957 viruses both exploded in September and October in the northern hemisphere, even though this is not the influenza season.
"If the virus needs further adaptation to become fully efficient in infecting humans, that could be delayed, quite possibly a year or two later. It seems very unlikely that this virus will peter out."
Got this e-mail: Black Male Teachers - Do you know any Black males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state for "FREE" ? Several Black Colleges are looking for future black male teachers and will send them to universities/colleges for 4 years FREE .
The 'Call Me MISTER' program is an effort to address the critical shortage of African American male teachers particularly among South Carolina 's lowest performing public schools . Program participants are selected from among under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities...
Visit here for more details and the online application or call (800) 640-2657.
But if you GO to that page, you'll ALSO read "Please read this memo regarding an email hoax that provides misinformation about our program."
It has been brought to our attention that an erroneous e-mail, rife with inaccuracies and misinformation about the Call Me MISTER Program, is making its way around the country. Said e-mail makes such false claims as “South Carolina HBCUs offer FREE TUITION” and our program is for “African American MALES ONLY”, neither of which is true. While we do offer tuition assistance and book support, plus a small stipend to defray other associated costs of attending college, we DO NOT now offer, nor have we ever offered, a full scholarship.
Myths need to be debunked.
Lean times in L.A. County leave no money for the dead. This is a story about more people opting for cremation. As someone heavily influence by Jessica Mitford's The American Way of Death, I applaud the trend, even if it's being done out of economic necessity.
On a lighter note, from Yahoo! Food: 5 Summer Food Mysteries Solved. I KNEW the ice cream one to be true.
My wife and her class saw the movie The Yes Men last weekend. "Shocking and funny," she described it. as it turned out there was an article in the local paper about the movie's follow-up, now playing on HBO and perhaps coming to a theater near you.
Paul McCartney returns to the Ed Sullivan Theater as he appears on Letterman, 45 years after his first appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show." Paul at Citi Field, NYC.
***Amusing and even educational. Church Advertising
This video was made in the Antwerp, Belgium Central (Train) Station on the 23rd of March 2009. With no warning to the passengers passing through the station, at 08:00 am a recording of Julie Andrews singing 'Do, Re, Mi' began to play on the public address system." As the bemused passengers watch in amazement, some 200 dancers begin to appear from the crowd and station entrances.
A final goodbye for S. Palin, YouTube fodder from last year, but what they hey.
Lying about time
8 hours ago