As you probably know, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for President. In his conversation with Tom Brokaw on Meet the Press, he noted that if he had just wanted to endorse the black candidate he could have endorsed Obama months ago. Powell's a Republican and would have endorsed McCain but for his unfocused and nasty campaign and his choice of Sarah Palin. Naturally, commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan suggested that Powell endorsed Obama because they're both black; my favorite resdponse to that.
1. Do political endorsements matter to you? If so, from whom?
It's much more likely to matter to me in a local race where I don't have enough of the facts.
2. Do you think political endorsements matter to the population at large?
I was struck by the number of newspapers that endorsed Bush in 2004 who are endorsing Obama in 2008.
3. Can this election be stolen?
But I'm much less worried by ACORN than I am by polling stations with long lines (as has already happened in early voting in Florida) and/or with machines that don't act as they should. This recent New Yorker column speaks to my concern:
"The idea that Democrats try to win elections by arranging for hordes of nonexistent people with improbable names to vote for them has long been a favorite theme of Rove-era Republicans. Now it's become a desperate obsession."
More cynical people than I believe that bringing up the Bradley effect is a screen for hiding voting machine manipulation and disenfranchisement strategies. Tell people to call their COUNTY board of election and make sure they’re registered and verify the voting location. (My voting location has changed, but it’s not reflected on the STATE Board of Elections site.)
4. Would you like to know more about the health of the four candidates for President and Vice-President on the major party ticket? This article suggests we don't know enough about ANY of them, especially McCain and Biden, but also the status of Obama's cessation of smoking. The mysterious circumstances around the birth of Sarah Palin's last child is pretty much the ONLY info the press has on her health.
[Stolen from the Frog.
STILL undecided?
Oooh, the photo above? That's a shot of a lovely 8 by 10 color glossy that a relative of mine, a Republican but not a McPalin supporter, received from the RNC and gave to me, knowing just how much I would appreciate it. And I do, I really do. I obliterated the name so you can photoshop in the name of your favorite liberal and make him or her nuts.
Wait, what if someone did that [GULP] to ME?! And it must be a different Roger Green...
Musing about social media
8 hours ago
1 comment:
1. Not really. A bunch of people that usually opt for the other side though can make me think.
2. In some respects I think they do. If someone is on the fence, and usually leans one way, then sees someone they respect leaning the other, it may make them think.
3. Absolutely and I am scared to death of it happening. There are so many ways things can be "mishandled" or "corrupted". Though, if the person that wins the election truly wins, then so be it.
4. I am not too concerned about that. (Though McCain's health does worry me given that I have absolutely no confidence in Palin.) At least with this election I am not. I am more concerned about the issues. If the placement on the issues were reversed, I would still be voting for McCain even with his health concerns.
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