Early on in our marriage I realized this. It was in the days after 11 September 2001, and naturally the news was terribly depressing. I suggested that we go SOMEWHERE. She said, "We could stay home and go on vacation." We'd only been married a little over two years, but I'd known her for nine. I said something like, "You are constitutionally incapable of staying home without finding things that need to be done in the house. There are ALWAYS things to be done in the house." I insisted that we had to go SOMEWHERE ELSE.
It turned out that she had a gift certificate from before we were married to a bed and breakfast in Cherry Valley, NY, only about an hour's distance, but a world away from our lives. The place we went to had no TVs. It had some lovely shops. I'm not a shopper, because shopping tends to mean going to some megastore, but this kind of shopping was quite all right.
Two things occurred on that Columbus Day weekend I remember quite vividly. Carol's (and my) niece Markia was born - we got a phone call - and the war in Afghanistan began, which I heard on someone's radio. Re: the latter, you can get away for only so long, and sometimes not far enough away.
What reminded me of that was the past couple weekend trips. One was to the Mid-Hudson Valley, about an hour south of Albany. We stayed in a Holiday In Express in Poughkeepsie, attended a party, seeing some old friends, including one I hadn't seen since 1991, and generally had a great time. The other trip actually ended today, visiting my mom, sisters and niece in Charlotte, NC.
The difference is that, in each case, seeking Internet connectivity was a primary consideration. I used the Hotel Internet Guide, because, somehow, being connected has become just as important as price and location. What that says about me over the past nine years, I'm not sure.
Your wife does the same many other housewives do. I used to clean the house from the topfloor to the groundfloor, put clean sheets on all 5 beds, clean the toilets and washbasins etc...Then and then alone we were ready to go on our vacation. But when we were on our way, I enjoyed our trip immensely, until after half an hour my husband started asking:"Did you take our passports?""I hope you didn't forget my electric razor!"
At this point I said :"Well that's not my business, if you forgot it we shall have to buy an other one or you will have to grow a beard!"
So your wife is absolutely not different from other women.LOL.
I read and reread to see what you all were doing with the burning torches? Part of your stayvation?
I quite like the idea of a srayvation, no need to travel hours and hours in a cramp car and suffering from car sick, or waiting in a long queue at a lock. LOL
Ann-Actually the torch was from the Midwinters celebration. We create a bonfire and drive the winter away. (We hope.)
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