My friend Dan really cracked me up, when, in his comment to my NaBloPoMo post, he described my blog as one of the "Breakfast Blogs. That what I call blogs like yours, Roger. 'For today's post I'm going to tell you what I had for breakfast this morning! I had exactly what I told you I had for breakfast in yesterday's post, but today I also had a big glass of orange juice! Let me tell you how that came about!' etc."
For the record, I can recall noting my breakfast habits five times in four and a half years, twice in my dedication to cold cereal, especially mixed; one about maple syrup; and a couple times in response to a meme question. OK, and once in answer to this question. That's about once every nine months.
And it's fine that he has a more "slow cooking" blog. Frankly, if I wrote as infrequently as he does, I'm afraid I wouldn't write anything at all. I have so many ideas, or at least pieces of ideas floating around in my head at any given time.
What I will tell you is that I went to a comic book show on Sunday, well described by Fred Hembeck here (November 3). Had a grand old time talking with Fred, his wife Lynn Moss, John Hebert and his wife and mother, Bill Anderson, Joe Staton and especially Rocco Nigro. But what Fred and Rocco and I all said at different points was, "Where's Alan David Doane?" He plugged the event in his blog and then no one saw him there. Maybe he was incognito in one of those Watchman or Star Wars costumes; one really can't tell much about a person in a Darth Vader outfit.
I've been at a State Data Center Affiliates meeting Wednesday, Thursday and will be today, learning a lot about the 2010 Census, the American Community Survey. and other Census products. I know the Census people really can't say this, but I can: if you don't want some intrusive government person coming to your house, fill out the form and return it right away. The decennial form next year is 10 questions, 10 minutes. Expect me to bore you with this regularly until at least mid-April.
I TOLD you the Yankees would beat the...
I'm really pleased to announce that I received an acceptance letter this week for the proposal I submitted for Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc. 9th annual conference in February. I'll talk more about it as it gets closer, but I've been a big fan of Paul and Mary Liz Stewart's work on this for years.
I was there, Roger, and have the door prize to prove it! I won not ten minutes after my son and I arrived. But we had to bail earlier than we otherwise would have liked due to illness on the other half of the family...sorry we missed you! Hopefully we'll have better luck in April.
Good thing you have a sense of humor, Roger. After I sent that
comment I wondered if I'd sent it too fast and insulted you and your
blogging. I thought, "Perhaps I should have sat on it a week and
carefully revised it." It looks like I had nothing to worry about.
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