I've been thinking quite a bit about a couple recent podcasts by Arthur at AmeriNZ dealing with the topic, broadly stated: "Are online relationships 'real'?" I was talking over these podcasts with a couple guys I see on the bus each evening. One suggests that if the relationship generates an action from the other person, then it is a relationship.
Of course, it could be a one-sided relationship. Let's say you were following Ashton Kutcher on on Twitter and retweeted all of his best lines; unless Ashton reciprocated, it would really be much of a story. But when you are motivated to take some action, and they respond in kind, then certainly, some real human interaction is taking place. I see an article that I believe - because I listen to his podcast, read his blog - that Arthur would interested in for its content. And as often as not, Arthur acknowledges that in some way.
Here's the odd thing I experienced this fall. There's a guy in my office. He's a perfectly nice person. Someone sent out an e-mail asking if we wanted to contribute to a wedding gift. Oh, he's been engaged? Really? I had no idea. Now this guy sits about 20 feet from my desk, lives (somewhere) in my neighborhood. I say hi to him but I don't know anything about him, or he much about me, I suspect.
Whereas I know about Scott's sons, Nigel and new baby Ian, and Greg's daughters, Norah and Mia; they in turn know a bit about Lydia. I know more about Scott and Greg, and more importantly, interact with them more substantially, than I do the woman who I see on the bus every evening.
Wednesday, the wife had a follow-up oral surgery. After the ordeal last year, it seems that six of her lower teeth didn't have enough gum cover for six of her lower teeth. Without gums, the teeth could rot and fall out. So tissue was removed from one part of her mouth to create gum tissue. She's recovering amazingly well. The in-laws came to our house this year to help Carol and to celebrate Thanksgiving, which was fine.
I was doing research at work a couple months back, when I came across some New York State law:
EDN - Education
801 - Courses of instruction in patriotism and citizenship and in certain historic documents
§ 801. Courses of instruction in patriotism and citizenship and in certain historic documents. 1. In order to promote a spirit of patriotic and civic service and obligation and to foster in the children of the state moral and intellectual qualities which are essential in preparing to meet the obligations of citizenship in peace or in war, the regents of The University of the State of New York shall prescribe courses of instruction in patriotism, citizenship, and human rights issues, with particular attention to the study of the inhumanity of genocide, slavery (including the freedom trail and underground railroad), the Holocaust, and the mass starvation in Ireland from 1845 to 1850, to be maintained and followed in all the schools of the state. The boards of education and trustees of the several cities and school districts of the state shall require instruction to be given in such courses, by the teachers employed in the schools therein. All pupils attending such schools, over the age of eight years, shall attend upon such instruction.
I did not know that. Surely, this is law that must have been passed long after I attended school - though it seemed we did seem to spend a lot of time on the Irish potato famine. Just found it interesting and can only imagine certain people making political hay over it.
The bitter tears of Johnny Cash. The untold story of Johnny Cash, protest singer and Native American activist, and his feud with the music industry
Caring for Your Photographic Collections.
Hen House Five Plus Two's In the Mood actually Ray Stevens, the song that first informed me that all music can be done in chicken. The beginning of The Muppets' Bohemian Rhapsody was a reminder of same.
Wonderous invention.
Rico and Becky married 20 years (tomorrow)
12 hours ago
Thanks for the link to the Johnny Cash article, that was an interesting read.
Online relationships are real and a person's feeling can be hurt just as easily online as they can be offline.
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