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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Follow up

In answer to the question you all want to know: on March 7, "roger green" was #10 on the Google list. I didn't go up, but I'm still on the first page.

Follow-up to that "Racist Song report" is here. Tom the Dog will be pleased to note that the writer probably hated the movie "Crash" more than he did.

ABC News devoted about 4 of its 22 minutes to its lead story about the death of Dana Reeve on its broadcast Tuesday, which seemed to be a lot. To be fair, it also included a report that 1 in 5 women who develop lung cancer are non-smokers, as opposed to only 1 in 10 men, and science is not certain why. Dana Reeve was a non-smoker.

Mark Trail is one of those old time comic strips I grew up with, one that some might say, "They're still putting THAT out?" - the Comics Curmudgeon does cite him regularly. For me, it's in the local paper, and I scan it only because it's there. But the storyline that started in the last panel of February 17 struck my interest. By February 27, the plot involved a potential land grab, and by March 6, it was named: eminent domain. You can read the strip here.

Since Rod Serling and I were so tight (OK, I met him once), I should note that, starting in 2007, there will be a Rod Serling Museum in my hometown of Binghamton, NY, about six blocks from where he (and later, I) went to high school. Incidentally, a small part of the piece in the Wikipedia about him is wrong. The place he (OK, and I) graduated from was Binghamton CENTRAL High School, not Binghamton High School; it didn't change its name until 1982, well after he died. "They say Tanzania, I say Tanganyika" is apt here.

The New York Post this past Friday, had a subheadline about a space elevator. It being the bastion of journalism that it is, I was disinclined to believe it until I saw this.

Lefty is BACK with a Mixed Bag CD exchange, if it's not too late.

Speaking of music, Johnny B. found this interesting site of notations on 212 Beatles songs.

Finally, because my former colleague Anne brought it to my attention, and because I feel obliged to keep up with all news of a librarian nature: Nuns to Face Librarians in Spelling Bee.

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