I've been always been rather so-so about the movie Forrest Gump. It was a technological marvel, yet it often felt at arm's length away emotionally. I guess I never bought Sally Field as his mother either, especially after having seen her and Tom Hanks as contemporaries in the movie about comedy, Punchline.
I don't know what I was looking up when I discovered that there was a guy named Sammy L. Davis, no relationship to the late entertainer, and that his military heroism that took place 40 years ago today was, in part, the inspiration for the movie character.
He doesn't look at all liker Tom Hanks.
This was on Evanier's page a while ago, but I do so love this video about waterboarding with a Beach Boys beat.
I've decided that Nancy Grace's very existence is a test of my Christian faith. I hate Nancy Grace. OK, I don't hate her exactly, but her brand of "journalismm" where she pronounces people guilty before all the facts are in offends my sensibilities; she's often parodied for a reason. She also has an annoying voice.
So when she, at the age of 48, gave birth to twins this month prematurely, and developed blood clots in the lungs, I had to fight, with all my strength, getting a feeling of schadenfreude. So, I (choke) wish Nancy Grace well so she can go annoy me again.
CNN distorting a story big time:
Lying about time
22 hours ago
Re: CNN -
I lost respect for them when, while sitting at my bank, I was watching what was going to be an interesting story about students using cell phones to film teachers acting inappropriately.
However, the CNN producers decided to cut to then-breaking news: a recess called in the Anna Nicole Smith paternity hearing....and they spent twenty minutes focused on that.
No wonder I spend more time reading foreign news online than watching CNN.
A reaction to discovering the real Forrest Gump - I never saw the movie with Sally Field and Tom Hanks as contemporaries, but in any event I can never see Sally Field in anything without thinking of either Sister Bertrille (remember how she used to wobble her head to try to pick up a catching breeze to be a Flying Nun?) or Sybil (remember how she used to wobble her head trying to pick up on what she had been doing for the past three hours while some other personality had taken her out shopping for foxy new clothes?). Thanks for the tip though, it's cool.
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