One of the things I find that I need to do, as a citizen as well as a librarian, is to get summaries of differing points of view politically, delivered by e-mail because I'm not likely to remember to go to the sites. On the left, it's Common Dreams which I find less strident, and less likely to get into internecine battles than, say, the Huffington Report, which, at this point I seldom read. On the right, it's Human Events, which features some political heavyweights such as Newt Gingrich and Pat Buchanan; the latter is so iconoclastic that he sometimes gets criticized by people on the right end of the spectrum.
Now and then - OK, often - Human Events will offer up an ad, such as from the McCain camp. One recent one, from the National Black Republican Association is currently trying to get a lot of mileage out of the assertion by a niece of Martin Luther King, Jr, that MLK was a Republican. I don't doubt it for a minute; my parents were Republicans, the party of Lincoln. Particularly in the South in the 1960s and before, the Democratic Party was the party of segregation; think George Wallace, Lester Maddox, and Strom Thurmond before he switched; lots of blacks in the South were Republicans. What's bothering me is the implication that the GOP of 1968 is the GOP of 2008, and therefore, of MLK were still alive, he would still be a Republican. This, of course, is utterly unknowable.
Meanwhile, a Human Events contributor, whose initials are the same as Alternating Current, has been beating the drum on this John Edwards story for weeks that the National Enquirer "broke". She has submitted that the story did not make it into the MainStream Media because of its liberal bias. One could make the case that it didn't make it into the MSM because the original source was the National Enquirer. The Washington Post may have just felt uncomfortable trusting it enough to quote the Enquirer as the source of its stories. Also, the Enquirer story is still suggesting that Edwards is the father of his former lover's child, something Edwards is still denying, even as he admitted to the affair.
Suddenly, all those stories about John Edwards' $400 haircuts can be/will be spun into a symbol of his general narcissism. I'm just happy, in retrospect, that his candidacy never really caught on, though John McCain (and Newt Gingrich for that matter) have been accused of the same thing; having sex with someone not his spouse, while the wife suffered from various ailments.
This political season is getting really...interesting, and it's not even Labor Day yet.
Rico and Becky married 20 years (tomorrow)
17 hours ago
one owes it to one's self to be fully informed, and that means getting both sides of the question---sometimes, especially with politicians,its what isn't said thats important.
I miss Ross Perot actually. He was at least entertaining and gave me a little giggle not and then. And I actually thought we should be run like a business for a few years and get our financial issues resolved, THEN move forward.
When the individual begins to think about the whole, only then will things change, no?
Thanks for the links!
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