You know those folks who can't come up with a cohesive concept for a column, so they compose these little snippets of unrelated ideas and throw them together? This is one of those pieces. Not only that, unless I find some extra time somewhere, there will be another one next week!
Earlier this month, I praised Sandra Day O'Connor for her dissenting opinions in two highly controversial cases. Right after that, she announces that she's leaving the Court. Coincidence...or conspiracy?
Been in the attic again. Trying to figure out what I can prepare ahead of time for those days when I'm out of town, or don't have Internet access (or even a word processor), I hit upon an answer. I found this folder with a personality profile of me from six years ago, and an astrological reading of me from about 20 years ago. I found them to be surprisingly accurate, and somewhat interesting. So, when I'm stuck, I'll be going to that well, including at least once next week.
There was this "contest" last year to see who would be on the cover of Metroland, the alternative newsweekly around these parts. I didn't win, but I was a runner-up, and they actually did a story about me which appears about 4/5s of the way down. Such narcissism.
As I was checking out some blogs to see if my Mixed CD got reviewed (it wasn't), I saw a reference to a "racist Mexican stamp", which led me to another blog, which led me to this news report. The story then was mentioned briefly in Metroland yesterday. Do I think the stamp is racist? At the risk of sounding too PC, do you really have to ask? Mexican President Vincente Fox has NOT acquitted himself well in the situation, either.
The United Church of Christ has taken a strong, affirming stance with regard to gay and lesbian members. As my delighted UCC friend Jenny noted, "It will bring considerable challenges for those churches who have not been welcoming to gay and lesbian members." Probably NOT the end of this issue in the UCC or any of the mainline Protestant churches, including my (Presbyterian) denomination.
Venus Williams was a Wimbledon underdog. I like this story of this once dominant player, who, due to injury and other interests, slid down to 14th in the women's tennis rankings, but came back to win an amazingly hard-fought battle against Lindsay Davenport, part of which I had a chance to watch.
The most poignant irony about the horrific London blasts is that people could seek safety in the tunnels during the German bombing in World War II, but that in this case, some of the bombs were IN the trains in the tunnels. I'll always remember the date as Ringo Starr's 65th birthday, just like I remember September 11, 2001 as Moby's 35th (and I imagine how crummy they must feel). reports that bloggers have played an important role in getting out news about the bombings yesterday. Ultimately, I relate pretty well to what my buddy Fred Hembeck (July 8) has to say. My prayers go out to those affected.
Lying about time
22 hours ago
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