For some reason, most of these postings are political. Except for one, I didn't seek them out; they were e-mailed to me, or I tripped over them somehow.
Vote for your favorite advertising icon and slogan here in honor of Advertising Week in late September.
Heard about the legendary eephus pitch?
Apparently, Van Morrison is the third to the last musician in the world with his own website. It contains free live cuts from his forthcoming album. BTW, Van's birthday is at the end of this month, so listen to lots of his tunes.
Jim Wallis, the editor of Sojourners magazine, and the author of "God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It", writes a piece for the NY Times op/ed page.
The energy bill that W signed this week has a few good aspects, but also has a lot of corporate welfare, especially if one is from Texas.
My friend Mark writes: "Turn on any 'Classic Rock' station and chances are within a few days you will hear two songs by the '60's group Steppenwolf: 'Born to Be Wild' and 'Magic Carpet Ride.' Adrenalin-pumping music to be sure. On the other hand,
you won't hear songs of social commentary that are as relevant today as they were then. Maybe we should call this in to their request lines: 'Monster' by Steppenwolf".
I love the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq looking for answers from W in Crawford. Cindy Sheehan is being called The Lone Star Iconoclast. She's obviously struck a nerve, because even the mainstream media have picked up the story.
Quote from the blogisphere: "Besides telling us how to live, think, marry, pray, vote, invest, educate our children, and die, the Republicans have done a fine job of getting government out of our lives."
And if you live in a strong Republican/conservative district, , don't give up hope.
Ben Stein does a regular opinion piece on CBS Sunday Morning. A couple weeks ago, he recommended that W stand tough and support Karl Rove. To give in would be give the liberals that taste of blood they want. He's probably right. But I'll say it again: Fire Karl Rove.
Read about the campaign to stop genocide in DARFUR, the Sudan, where 200,000 to 400,000 people have been killed. The organizers believe that tactics like petitions, calls and letters are all a part of how W and his advisers are gauging public opinion with regard to the appropriate next steps to stop the atrocites. He "WILL NOT provide the necessary leadership without confidence that public opinion will support an international humanitarian intervention." And maybe not even then, I fear. This organization is helping the refugee women.
United Methodist Bishops Back Complete Ban on Nuclear Weapons; Church Joins in Prayer for Victims of Hiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings.
There's a scam artist calling himself Arthur DiLorenzo who's been targeting churches in the Northeast in the past; he has resurfaced. One church received a call from him recently. His story usually involves starting a new job and not being paid yet, or traveling and getting stranded, but his demand is to have money wired to him.
With minor variations, it's a story that's been told to pastors up and down the eastern seaboard. Something to be aware of, in case you hear of a similar call.
I got an e-mail with an article that immediately seemed funky. "Worker dead at desk for 5 days" is an urban legend.
Black country music landscape
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"Arthur DiLorenzo" is still around. He almost had me duped last year, but when I got too suspicious and told him I couldn't help him, he unleashed a blast of profanity and hung up. Apparently, he doesn't keep track of whom h has called, because he just tried me again. Isn't there some way to nail this guy and take him out of circulation?
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