Worse, I left off at least three:

I must say, though, that she was no Barbara Bain (and Leonard Nimoy no Martin Landau) when there were cast changes on the CBS television show Mission: Impossible in 1969 and 1970. Nevertheless, I watched.
Still, I have a soft spot for her Cinderella version, having purchased the soundtrack only in the last couple years, even though her predecessor, Julie Andrews and her successor, Brandy, are both more professional singers.
Here's a segment of the program; Lesley's entrance in this scene is at about 2:30, and she sings "In My Own Little Corner" - I do love that song - at about 4:30.
The first time I knew saw Barbara Hershey was in a disturbing little 1969 movie called Last Summer,

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Subsequently, I saw her in The Right Stuff (1983), The Natural (1984), Hoosiers (1986), Lantana (2001) and most notably in Hannah and Her Sisters (1986- very fond) and Beaches (1988 - treacle). Oddly, I didn't see her in The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) as Mary Magdalene, and I don't remember why, since the controversy made me want to watch it all the more. She's also known as a partner of Lost's Naveen Andrews, who's two decades her junior, which is cool.
Above: 30 seconds from 1968's With Six You Get Eggroll, which I must have seen on TV

Michele's personal life, it became clear, was a mess. She was married to John but sleeping with Denny. She was friends with some of the victims of the Charles Manson murders. She was once married to Dennis Hopper for eight days.
But in that American second act tradition, she began to act in movies and on TV. Her IMDB record shows her on multiple episodes of Love Boat, Fantasy Island, and Hotel before her six-year stint on Knots Landing. I don't recall seeing any of them.
She sings from time to time, including at tributes to her musical colleagues. Cass died in 1974, John in 2001, and Denny in 2007, making Michelle the sole survivor of the group. I believe today is her 65th birthday (I've seen references to both 6/4/44 and 4/6/44.)

My first crushes were Danny from the Partridge Family and Peter from the Brady Bunch. Then I moved on to Parker Stevenson and Robby Benson. Next came Bob Geldof and Dee Dee Ramone.
I must say that you have much better taste.
I always thought of Michelle as rather vacuous but her interviews over the years have proved otherwise.
Barbrara has always kind of scared me for some reason...I guess the Seagull thing. Or maybe LAST SUMMER. I saw that, too! She was, of course, with David Carradine for a number of years.She's aging nicely, though.
I actually bought that Lesley Ann CINDERELLA on DVD out of pure nostalgia but haven't watched it. Loved her in VICTOR/VICTORIA!
Nice post, sir!
Hi Raji,
Wow, your blog post sent me straight back to childhood...I
remember "Cinderella" as an annual broadcast for several years, almost
as ubiquitous as "The Wizard of Oz." I always loved Celeste Holm and Walter Pidgeon as the royals...and a young Stuart Damon, AKA Alan Quartermaine on "General Hospital" for about a million years (killed off a few years ago, but still in a recurring role as a ghost who torments his sister) as the handsome prince.
Thanks for the time warp memory!
Sister Cza
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